BAHÇEŞEHİR ÜNİVERSİTESİ – PROFICIENCY hazırlık atlama sınavını W.O.L.A. ile hiç zorlanmadan geçeceksiniz. Siz de bizimle başaranlar arasında yerinizi alın!


– W.O.L.A. eğitim materyalleri kullanılmaktadır.

* Tüm eğitmenlerimiz HAZIRLIK ATLAMA – HAZIRLIK BÖLÜMÜ eğitiminde uzman ve tecrübeli akademisyenlerdir.
* Kursumuzda bulunan geniş arşivimiz hazırlık materyalleri ile öğrencilerimizin hizmetindedir.

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Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi 

Proficiency İngilizce Hazırlık Programı

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Proficieny

Bahçeşehir üniversitesi Proficiency İngilizce Programı 4 Temel beceriyi (Reading, Listening, Writing ve Speaking ) değerlendirmeye yönelik bir sınav uygulamaktadır.

Sınav 2 bölümden oluşmaktadır;

1. Bölüm (Yazılı Sınav Bölümü)

Toplam 60 adet çoktan seçmeli soru ve 1 adet kompozisyon yazımı yer alır. Bunlar öğrencinin kelime bilgisinin yanı sıra, okuma, yazma ve dinleme becerilerini de değerlendirmeye yöneliktir.

Ağırlık derecesi %80’dir. Sınav süresi ise160 dakikadır. Yazılı bölüm 3 aşamada gerçekleşmektedir.

Reading: 45 soru / 55 dakika. Genel ve akademik kelime bilgisi, okuduğunu anlama (ana fikir bulma, çıkarımda bulunma, referansları bulma, kelimeyi tahmin etme) yanında cümle tamamlama, eş anlamlı cümleyi bulma, paragraf tamamlama, anlamı bozan cümleyi bulmaya yönelik yeterliliği ölçen sorular soruluyor.

Listening: 15 soru / 45 dakika. Dinlerken cevaplama ve not alma becerileri değerlendiriliyor.

Writing: Bu kısımda 3 konu veriliyor ve öğrencilerden bir tanesi hakkında kompozisyon yazmaları isteniyor. Ortalama 250 – 300 kelime yazılması beklenen sınav 60 dakika sürüyor.

2. Bölüm (Sözlü Sınav Bölümü)

Her öğrenciye 6 – 8 dakika süre tanınan kısa bir sohbet gerçekleştirilir. Bu bölümün ağırlık derecesi %20’dir. Sözlü sınav, genel konuşma becerilerini ölçmeye yönelik konuşma (kendini tanıtma, kişisel bilgi alışverişi, günlük yaşamı ilgilendiren durumlar hakkında konuşma) .

Öğrencinin yönlendirdiği belli bir konu üzerine karşılıklı konuşma (kendi fikrini ifade etme, fikrini savunma, örneklendirme ve soruları cevaplandırma) şeklinde iki bölüm halinde gerçekleştirilir.

Önemli NOT:

Genel konuşma bölümünden sonra sınavı yapan okutman, öğrenciye bir konu ile ilgili sorular sorar ve tartışmayı başlatır.

Konuşmanın geri kalan kısmının öğrenci tarafından yönlendirilmesi beklenir. Okutman konuyu geliştirmek amaçlı yönlendirici sorular sorabilir.

Burada öğrenciden aşağıda belirtilen konulardan herhangi biri hakkında fikrini belirtmesi beklenir:

  • Toplum
  • Seyahat
  • Aile
  • Dil
  • İş ve Çalışma Dünyası
  • Reklam
  • Güncel Konular
  • Eğitim
  • Çeşitli Sivil Toplum Örgütleri
  • Sanat
  • Çevre
  • Spor
  • Sağlık
  • Medya
  • Suç

     Önemli Bilgiler

  • Lisans öğrencileri için geçme notu; 100 (yüz) üzerinden 60 (altmış) puan,
  • Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı öğrencileri için geçme notu; 100 (yüz) üzerinden 80 (seksen) puan,
  • MYO öğrencileri için geçme notu; 100 (yüz) üzerinden 50 (elli) puandır.
  • Dikey geçiş düşünen MYO öğrencilerinin 60 (altmış) puan almaları gerekmektedir.

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi kur atlama sınavları (level  sınavları ) ve PROFICIENCY adı verilen hazırlık sınıfını atlama İngilizce sınavları için üniversitenin sınav sistemi formatında akademik “reading“ , “listening”, “writing”, “speaking” bölümlerine hakim olmak önemlidir.

Online yapılan sınavlar da “listening” bölümü dönemsel olarak uygulanmayabilmektedir.

*WOLA da BAU-PROFICENCY SINAV FORMATINA göre WOLA EĞİTİM METHODU ile WOLA tarafından sınav  formatına göre özel hazırlanmış materyaller ile eğitim verilmektedir.

*WOLA Eğitim Methodu ile grup derslerinde ve online derslerinde dahi kişiye özel eğitim gerçekleştirilmektedir.

*Verilen eğitim Genel İngilizce Eğitimi değildir. BAU-PROFICENCY sınavı için, öğrencilerin sınavlarını geçebilmesi için AKADEMİK İNGİLİZCE eğitimi verilmektedir.

*Ezber ve sadece sınav taktiği ile değil, Akademik İngilizce öğrenerek, sınav ve üniversitenin formatında tüm soru tipleri ve yazım öğretim ve teknikleri ile birlikte “reading“ , “listening”, “writing”, “speaking”, “gramer” bölümlerine çalışıyoruz.

*Öğrencilerimiz için ders dışında etüt saatlerinde etüt destek programlarımız ile öğrenmeye devam etmektedirler.

*Verilen ödevlerimizin takibi, ders dışında uzman eğitmenlerimiz tarafından öğrencilerimizin eksikleri tespit edilerek ve desteklenerek dikkatli bir şekilde takip edilmektedir.

*Aynı zamanda öğrencilerimizin fakülteye geçtiklerinde İngilizce derslerinde zorlanmamaları için ÖĞRENEREK BAŞARIYORUZ…


Arkadaşlar, genellikle sınavlarda ya en yüksek yüzdelik dilime sahip olan “essay writing” bölümünden sonraki en yüksek yüzdelik dilime sahip olan kısımdır.

BAU-PROFICIENCY “reading” bölümü, birden fazla okuma parçasının verildiği ve çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluşan bir bölümdür.

Soru tiplerinde, referansları bulma, ana fikri bulma, cümle tamamlama, en yakın anlamı bulma gibi soru yapıları mevcuttur.

BAU-PROFICIENCY “reading” bölümünde, öğrencilerin en çok hata yaptığı çözüm yöntemi, soruya bakmak, sorudan ilgili kelimeyi ilk parçada görülen yerden alıp cevap olarak yazmaktır. Ve sadece soru tipi çözme taktiği ile sınavı başarmaya çalışmaktır.

Sorularda ki kelimeler den; okuma parçasının içerisinde ki cevabı bulmak bir ÇÖZÜM YÖNTEMİ dir. Fakat bu yöntemin de biz çözüm taktiği mevcuttur.

BAU-PROFICIENCY “reading” bölümünde başarılı olmak istiyorsanız, okuduğunuz “reading” parçasını anlamalı ve sınavlarınızın da karşılaşacağınız SORU TİPLERİ ve de NASIL ÇÖZECEĞİNİZİ bilmelisiniz.

Bunun için pratik yapabileceğiniz SINAVLARINIZ FORMATINDA örnek READING SINAVLARI çözmelisiniz.

WOLA ACADEMY de öğrencilerimiz ile BAU-PROFICIENCY “reading” bölümünde başarılı olabilmeleri için onlarca sınav formatında “reading” parçalarını çalışıyoruz, çözüyoruz, öğreniyoruz.

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi


WOLA da; BAU-PROFICIENCY “reading” sınav formatına uygun DETAYLI READING SINAV FORMAT İÇERİĞİNİ çalışıyoruz…

* BAU-PROFICIENCY “reading” sınavlarınızda karşılaşacağınız SORU YAPILARINI ve de ÇÖZME YÖNTEMLERİNİ öğreniyoruz…

* Tüm soru tiplerine göre ÇÖZÜM TEKNİKLERİNİ öğreniyoruz…

* BAU-PROFICIENCY SINAV FORMATI ÖRNEK READING parçaları üzerinden HER BİR SORU TİPİNİ ÇÖZME TAKTİKLERİNİ çalışıyoruz… (wh- questions, açık uçlu soru tipleri, cümle tamamlama, ana fikri bulma, sebep sonuç ilişkisi, kıyaslama ve parça içerisinde kelimelerle tamamlama soruları)


* BAU-PROFICIENCY READING parçalarını anlamayı hem gramer hem de kelime bazında çalışarak öğreniyoruz…

* BAU-PROFICIENCY READING BÖLÜMÜNDE BAŞARILI OLABİLMEK İÇİN NASIL ÇALIŞMANIZ GEREKTİĞİNİ ANALİZ VE ÇÖZÜM TAKTİKLERİNİ kelime çalışma yöntemimiz ve de WOLA METHOD ile birlikte onlarca PROFICIENCY formatında WOLA tarafından hazırlanmış özgün “reading” parçaları üzerinden çalışıyoruz.

Siz de WOLA ile başaracaksınız…



Üniversite İngilizce “proficiency” sınavlarında öğrencilerin en çok zorlandıkları bölüm “essay“ kompozisyon yazımı” dır.

BAU-PROFICIENCY writing bölümünde birden fazla “essay” türü sorulabilmektedir. Her “essay type” ının yazım şekli birbirinden farklıdır.

BAU-PREP öğrencileri, farklı “essay” type larına göre  “essay”-“kompozisyon” yazımı tekniklerine hakim olmadıkları takdirde, bütünsel yazım organizasyonunu kurmakta zorlanmaktadırlar.

Senelerce İngilizce öğretiminde çoktan seçmeli gramer eğitimi gören öğrenciler, “essay” yazarken İngilizce dil bilgisi bilgilerini akademik cümle şeklinde kurmakta zorluk çekmektedirler.

BAU-PROFICIENCY writing bölümünde “essay” yazımında yüksek puan almak için yazılması gereken dilbilgisi düzeyini bilmedikleri için İNGİLİZCE CÜMLELEŞTİRME yapamamaktadırlar ve “essay” yazımı öğrenciler için büyük sorun oluşturmaktadır.

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi


*WOLA METHOD yöntemi ile BAU-PROFICIENCY WRITING formatında onlarca örnek  yazarak ,WOLA ACADEMY tarafından hazırlanmış özgün “essay” yazım tekniklerini anlatan yayınımız  “ACADEMIC WRITING BOOKLET” kitabımız ile birlikte “essay” yazımını en çok zorlanılan bölüm  olmaktan çıkarıyoruz.

Siz de WOLA ACADEMY ile başaracaksınız…



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*BAU-PREP A1-A2-B1-B2 LEVEL sınavlarında kurlara göre “compare&contrast”, “cause&effect”, “opinion essay” “refutation essay” tipleri olmak üzere sınavlarda sorulan essay tipleri farklılaşmaktadır.

*Her ayrı “essay” yapısı soru türlerine göre ayrı ayrı organizasyon yapılarına sahiptir.

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi

*WOLA DA BAU-PROFICIENCY WRITING EĞİTİMİ ile BAU-PROFICIENCY WRITING sınavının istediği formatta “essay” nasıl yazılır detaylı olarak çalışıyoruz.

* WOLA DA BAU-PROFICIENCY WRITING EĞİTİMİ ile BAU-PROFICIENCY WRITING sınavının istediği formatta; essay yazımına nasıl giriş yapacağım? (Türlerine göre opinion essay-refutation essay vs) onlarca örnek inceleyerek ve yazarak çalışıyoruz…

*Thesis Statement nedir? (Bildiğiniz takdirde hiç zor değildir Öğreniyoruz)

ESSAY YAZIMINDA en çok sıkıntı duyulan başlıklar;

*Genelden özele nasıl gidilir? Off-topic olur muyum? (Nasıl off-topic olmazsınız?)

*Aklıma fikir gelmezse?(Sınav formatınıza göre yüzlerce örnek yazılmış essay” konusunu okuyoruz ve yazıyoruz. WOLA ile bu imkana ulaşabildiğiniz için pek çok başlığa önceden çalışma şansı bulmuş oluyorsunuz…

*Yüksek not almak için nasıl yazmalıyım?

*İçerik olarak nasıl yazarsam yüksek puan alırım?

*Yazmak istediğimi Türkçe olarak biliyorum ama İngilizce olarak yazamıyorum?

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi

WOLA METHOD ile İNGİLİZCE CÜMLELEŞTİRME GRAMER eğitim çalışmamız ile yıllardır gramer eğitimi görüyorum ama düşündüğümü yazamıyorum sorununu aşıyoruz.

*BODY (kompozisyonumuzun gelişme bölümü paragraflarını) nasıl uzun yazabilirim. Yaklaşık 300-350 kelime “essay” isteniyor ve nasıl yeterli kelime sayısına erişebilirim?

*WOLA DA BAU-PROFICIENCY WRITING EĞİTİMİ ile BAU-PROFICIENCY WRITING sınavının istediği formatta  “essay” türüne göre örnek cümle çalışması ve “fact cümleleri” kullanımı eğitimi ile detaylı “essay” yazım çalışması gerçekleştiriyoruz.

*”Conclusion” nasıl yapacağım? WOLA DA BAU-PROFICIENCY WRITING EĞİTİMİ ile BAU-PROFICIENCY WRITING sınavının istediği formatta istenen her “essay” türüne göre örnek “conclusion” cümlelerini ve yapılarını çalışıyoruz…

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi


BAU-PROFICIENCY sınavlarında gramer bölümü hem kur sınavların da hem de “proficiency “sınavında mevcut olan bir bölümdür.

BAU-PROFICIENCY GRAMER BÖLÜMÜ-USE OF ENGLISH kısmında başarılı olabilmek için, “cloze test” ve “restatement” bölümlerinin soru çözüm yapı ve taktiklerini iyi biliyor olmaları gerekmektedir.

“Cloze Test” bölümünde öğrencilerin edat, dil bilgisi bilgileri doğrudan ölçülmektedir.

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi

BAU-PROFICIENCY GRAMER BÖLÜMÜ-USE OF ENGLISH bölümünde dil bilgisi  sorusunun  hangi konuyla ilgili olduğunu (Relative / Noun Clause, Reduction (Kısaltma), Tense vs.) analiz etmek doğru cevapları bulmak açısından son derece önemlidir.

BAU-PROFICIENCY GRAMER BÖLÜMÜ-USE OF ENGLISH bölümünde restatement sorularında verilen cümleye anlam bakımından en yakın olan seçeneğin bulunması istenir.

Burada sorular gramer yapıları değiştirilerek-eş anlamlı kelimeler bulunarak-benzer bağlaçlar kullanarak ya da tense değiştirilerek yapılır.

BAU-PROFICIENCY GRAMER BÖLÜMÜ-USE OF ENGLISH bölümünde restatement sorularında başarılı olmak için, anlamca istenen en yakın cümleyi bulmak gereklidir.

Bunun için kelime bilgimizin çok iyi olması ve Adverb Clasue, Modal, Tense, Adjective ve Noun Clause’ların çeşitleri ve soru çözüm teknikleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olunmalıdır. 

Aynı zamanda BAU-PREP PROFICIENCY bölümünde istenen ileri gramer bilgisi “reading” sınavlarında okuduğumuzu anlamak ve de “writing” sınavlarında kullanmak istediğimiz, aklımıza gelen cümlenin İNGİLİZCE GRAMMER DİZİLİMİ ve de KULLANIMINI doğru yapabilmemiz için sınav formatına göre çok iyi bilmemiz gereken bir bölümdür.

DOĞRU TENSE KULLANIMINI bilir isek “writing” de DOĞRU TENSE GRAMMER yapılarını  kullanabiliriz.

Nerede ve nasıl kullanacağınızı bildiğimiz takdirde ezberden uzak rahatlıkla BAŞARILI bir “essay” yazabiliriz!

*WOLA METHOD öğrenim yöntemi ile BAU-PROFICIENCY GRAMER sınav formatında onlarca örnek  çözerek, WOLA ACADEMY tarafından hazırlanmış özgün sınav materyalleri ile birlikte, siz de WOLA ACADEMY ile başaracaksınız…

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi


USE OF ENGLISH bölümü cloze test ve restatement soru tipi bölümlerinde başarılı olabilmek için gerekli dil bilgisi konularını, bağlaçları ve çözüm yöntemlerini sınav formatına göre çalışıyoruz.


Sınav sorularında başarılı olmak için her bölümde olduğu gibi akademik kelime bilgisi çok önemlidir.

ACADEMIC VOCABULARY eğitimimizi WOLA METHOD yöntemi ile üniversitenin kur sınavlarında ve proficiency sınavında istenen kelimeler çerçevesinde eş ve zıt anlamları ile birlikte ezberlemiyoruz, ÖĞRENİYORUZ!

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi


İngilizce tüm “grammer” yapılarının “writing” ve “speaking” bölümlerin de doğru bir şekilde kullanabilmeniz için nerede-neden-nasıl kullanılacağını öğreniyoruz.

*İngilizce uygulanarak ve de kullanarak gelişen bir lisan olduğu için sizlere gerek kurlarınız da (kur sınavları ve proficiency sınavlarınızda) gerek BAU-PROFICIENCY sınavı bölümlerinde istenen her konu ile ilgili yüzlerce test ve örneği öğrenerek çözüyoruz…

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi

*Bildiğimiz bilgiler eğer doğru yerde ve doğru şekilde kullanılmaz ise, bilgiyi bilmenin anlamı yoktur!

WRITING sınavların da puanlama tablosunda; öğrencinin bilmesi gereken AKADEMİK GRAMMER YAPILARINI doğru ve organizasyon yapısı ile koordineli bir şekilde kullanması beklenmektedir.

AKADEMİK GRAMMER yapıları nedir, nerede ve nasıl kullanılır detaylı bir şekilde çalışıyoruz, sınav formatınıza göre çözüyoruz, öğreniyoruz…

**Reading metinlerinde karşınıza “kompleks cümle yapıları” gelecektir. Çoğu öğrenci “reading” parçasını okuduğunda anladığını ve ama soruları cevaplamak için yeterince anlamlandıramadığını belirtmiştir.

Anlamlandırabilmek için ileri gramer yapılarını ve istenen kelime yapılarını bilmek gereklidir. WOLA GRAMER eğitimimiz de sizin “reading” sınavlarında başarılı olabilmeniz için “gramer yapı” çözümlemelerini detaylıca çalışmaktayız…

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi


Arkadaşlar; LISTENING bölümü; öğrencilerin en az önem gösterdiği ve de “writing” bölümü kadar endişe ettiği ve de zor bulduğu bir bölümdür.

WRITING” bölümünün puanı daha yüksek olduğu için öğrenciler daha çok “writing” bölümüne ağırlık verirler ve de dinleme bölümünde, anlatıcının aksanı İNGİLİZ ya da AMERİKAN aksanı olarak değiştiği için anlamamaktan korktukları için LISTENING bölümüne ağırlık vermezler.

BAU-PROFICIENCY LISTENING bölümünde başarılı olur iseniz 100 PUAN üzerinden 15 PUAN kazanabilirsiniz.

Geçme notunun ortalama 100 üzerinden 60 puan olduğunu düşünürsek sizin için çok büyük bir AVANTAJ.

Elbette BAU-PROFICIENCY LISTENING bölümüne uygun çalışma yapabileceğiniz “ALIŞTIRMA ÖRNEKLERİNİZ” varsa ve de SINAVINIZIN bu bölümüne nasıl çalışacağınızı biliyorsanız!!!


SINAVINIZIN FORMATINDA her kurda istenene göre ve hazırlık atlama sınavı -PROFICIENCY  sınavına göre çalışıyoruz…

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SPEAKING SINAV PUANLAMA SCALASINDA iyi ve geçer not almak için ne yapmamalısınız?













BAU PREP A1-A2-B1-B2-C1 kur sınavınızda ki ve hazırlık atlama sınavı olan PROFICIENCY sınavınızda ki dil yapılarına hakim olmanız ve açık ve anlaşılır bir telaffuz ile konuşmanız beklenmektedir.


BAU PROFICIENCY SPEAKING SINAVINIZDA; sorulara cevap verirken çeşitli kelimeleri ve ifadeleri etkin bir şekilde kullanmanız.

Hata yapsanız dahi yapılan hatanın anlamı etkilememesi beklenmektedir.


BAU PROFICIENCY SPEAKING SINAVINIZDAarada duraksama olsa dahi akıcı ve anlaşılır konuşulması beklenmektedir.



  soruları rahatlıkla anlayıp uygun ve alakalı cevaplar verilmesi ve de fikirlerin rahatlıkla detaylandırıp, geliştirilmesi beklenmektedir.



  • Geçmişteki deneyimleri tarif etmeniz.
  • Geçmiş olaylarla ilgili sorular sorup cevaplamanız…
  • birleştirilmiş kelimeleri açıkça telaffuz edebilmeniz.
  • cümleleri doğru şekilde vurgulamanız.
  • gelecek planlarınızı ifade edebilmeniz.
  • önerilerde bulunmanız…
  • cümleleri doğru şekilde vurgulamanız beklenmektedir.
  • Bahçeşehir Hazırlık Kursu proficieny;

Sene boyunca işlenen konulara göre; tüm konulara fikirler üreterek, örnekler üzerinden çalışılarak konu başlıkları detaylıca çalışılmaktadır.





BAU SPEAKING sınavında istenen kelimelerin edat-sıfat hallerini- eş ve zıt anlamlarını  öğreniyoruz ve tüm alanlarda kullanarak  DETAYLICA ÇALIŞMAKTAYIZ.

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***“ BAU-PROFICIENCY SPEAKING SINAVINDA bilmeniz gereken ACADEMIC VOCABULARY kelimelerin EŞ ANLAMLARINI- ZIT ANLAMLARINI içeren detaylı çalışma dosyalarını derslerimiz de öğrencilerimiz ile işlemekteyiz..



***Sınavların SPEAKING bölümüne hazırlanmak demek sadece konuşma pratiği yapmak değildir. Sorulan soruya cevap verebilmek için mutlaka konu hakkında elbette önceden fikrimiz olması gereklidir.


İstenen konu başlıklarına göre ayrılmış tüm “speaking topic” lere verilmiş örnek onlarca örnek cevapları öğrencilerimiz için hazırladık.

Detaylı çalışma dosyalarını derslerimiz de öğrencilerimiz ile işlemekteyiz.

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BAU Proficiency Test


Aşağıdaki soru örnekleri Proficiency Sınavının düzeyi ve soru tipleri ile ilgili fikir vermek amacına yöneliktir.

Aşağıdaki soru örnekleri Proficiency Sınavının düzeyi ve soru tipleri ile ilgili fikir vermek amacına yöneliktir.

Lütfen Formu Doldurun. Bu Form Aracılığı ile Örnek Sınav Testlerinden Sonra Tarafınıza İngilizce Bilginizle İlgili Tavsiye Maili Yollanacaktır !

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

1. The pilot announced that the ____ landing time to New York was 15:55.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

2. In big companies, the rules are mostly strict because it is challenging to _____ so many workers and keep the business going.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

3. There are more ____ students than local students in this university

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

4. It is highly essential for passengers to follow the safety ____ before the plane takes off.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

5. Children of the Internet age have ____ friends rather than real ones, and this will undoubtedly have adverse effects on their social skills in the future.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

6. As long as a civil policeman shows his ID card, he has every ____ on the person he is dealing with.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

7. A high ____ of the food packages sent to Somali consisted of fresh vegetables and meat.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

8. To ____ a plane, they use a little but reliable car that pushes and moves it.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

9. From the crowd and the ambulance sirens, it was ____ that there was an unfortunate car accident.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

10. The Marmaray Project ____ well up until the workers came across a historical underwater site and stopped digging.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 11-15: Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.(Boşlukların yanında bulunan numaralara göre cevaplar içinde aynı numaraya denk düşen doğru cevabın olduğu numarayı işaretleyin)

Anyone looking for a way to something for the environment needs to look no further than their own home. In its struggle to ……………..(11) with the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to _(12) ………………. 1990 levels, the EU ………..(13)_ to reduce energy consumption in the home. This is ……….(14)_ surprising since the EU's 160 million buildings are …….(15) responsible for a staggering 40% of all energy consumed by its 15 states.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 16-20: Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.

The United States will officially take 70,000 refugees in 2003. ………(16) the number will be much lower as many thousands will be caught up in lengthy…………..(17) necessitated by post-September 11 security procedures. In 2002, for example, America ………. (18) _ only 30,000 refugees, the lowest number in 25 years. This is a remarkable_(19)………of America's traditional generosity a…………..20)_ the world's displaced.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 21-25: Choose the option which best rewrites each sentence.

Question 21: There were over two hundred people at Carl's trial, most of whom believed that he was not guilty of the crime.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 21-25: Choose the option which best rewrites each sentence.

Question 22: Ann had the TV on when her parents entered the room.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 21-25: Choose the option which best rewrites each sentence.

Question 23: “You should have finished the report by now.” John told his secretary.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 21-25: Choose the option which best rewrites each sentence.

Question 24: Madeleine wears high heels to look taller.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 21-25: Choose the option which best rewrites each sentence.

Question 25: Even though some events were canceled, thousands of people attended the festival.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18th century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5th to the early 3rd millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.

Question 26. What is the main topic of the passage?

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18th century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5th to the early 3rd millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.

Question 27. According to the passage, New Elamite is _________.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18th century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5th to the early 3rd millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.

Question 28: When does the passage suggest that the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script was finally deciphered?

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18th century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5th to the early 3rd millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.


Question 29: According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE of the Rosetta stone?

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18th century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5th to the early 3rd millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.


Question 30:  According to the passage, scholars were able to decipher cuneiform form with the help of _________.


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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18th century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5th to the early 3rd millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.


Question 31:  The word “fortuitous” in the 1st paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18th century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5th to the early 3rd millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.


Question 32:The word “them” in the 1st paragraph refers to _________.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18th century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5th to the early 3rd millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.


Question 33: The word “thwarted” in the 2nd paragraph is closest in meaning to

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18th century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5th to the early 3rd millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.


Question 34:According to the passage, Indo-European incursions caused the Old European population to ________.       

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the 18th century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in Iran at the end of the 18th century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite – languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18th century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19th century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5th to the early 3rd millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.


Question 35. The author mentions the Balkans in the passage in order to explain why _________.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36  to 45.

Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year – 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
            The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs – even without technological improvements – had broadened the scope of the outwork system that mace manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820s and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extent of my outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the enduring shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
            For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology-enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.


Question 36. What is the passage mainly about?

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36  to 45.

Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year – 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
            The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs – even without technological improvements – had broadened the scope of the outwork system that mace manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820s and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extent of my outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the enduring shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
            For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology-enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.


Question 37. The word "boosted"  is closest in meaning to

30 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36  to 45.

Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year – 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
            The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs – even without technological improvements – had broadened the scope of the outwork system that mace manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820s and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extent of my outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the enduring shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
            For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology-enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.


Question 38. The word "scope"  is closest in meaning to



31 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36  to 45.

Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year – 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
            The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs – even without technological improvements – had broadened the scope of the outwork system that mace manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820s and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extent of my outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the enduring shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
            For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology-enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.


Question 39. The author mentions the shoe industry in the second paragraph to provide an example of how.


32 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36  to 45.

Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year – 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
            The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs – even without technological improvements – had broadened the scope of the outwork system that mace manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820s and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extent of my outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the enduring shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
            For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology-enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.


Question 40. All of the following are mentioned as effects of changes in the shoe industry during the 1820s and 1830's EXCEPT

33 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36  to 45.

Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year – 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
            The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs – even without technological improvements – had broadened the scope of the outwork system that mace manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820s and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extent of my outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the enduring shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
            For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology-enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.


Question 41. All of the following are true of the outwork system EXCEPT

34 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36  to 45.

Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year – 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
            The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs – even without technological improvements – had broadened the scope of the outwork system that mace manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820s and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extent of my outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the enduring shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
            For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology-enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.


Question 42. The word "prolific"  is closest in meaning to


35 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36  to 45.

Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year – 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
            The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs – even without technological improvements – had broadened the scope of the outwork system that mace manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820s and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extent of my outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the enduring shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
            For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology-enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.


Question 43. According to the passage, how did later mills differ from the mill built by Oliver Evans?

36 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36  to 45.

Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year – 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
            The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs – even without technological improvements – had broadened the scope of the outwork system that mace manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820s and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extent of my outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the enduring shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
            For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology-enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.


Question 44. The passage mentions which of the following as a result of improvements in factory machinery?

37 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36  to 45.
            Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneurs increased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year – 30 percent over the course of a generation. Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.
            The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods, since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs – even without technological improvements – had broadened the scope of the outwork system that mace manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process. For example, during the 1820s and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extent of my outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the enduring shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.
            For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even more important new organization, the modem factory, which used power-driven machines and assembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell into containers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to the top of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers made use of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology-enabled them to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.


Question 45. The word "eager"  is closest in meaning to

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BAU Proficiency Test 2


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1 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 1-10: Choose the best answer to make meaningful sentences.


1.In big companies, a/an…………..meeting is held to evaluate the profits made in that period of time.

2 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

2. If you fail to meet the requirements of the job, your application will probably be ………………..

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

3. Language learning …………… assert that there are different learning styles such as visual or audio.

4 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

4 )She ………………… that she did not study hard enough. Now, she has to repeat her English Class.

5 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

5. The problems of immigrants ……………… from the fact that they cannot adapt themselves to big city life conditions.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

6. The ………….time ratings are very important for TV channels since it's the time when everybody is at home and usually watches TV.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

7. It is almost impossible to …………… between twin babies and say which one is who.

8 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

8. Media has the power to …………… people and make them believe in what is actually not true.

9 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

9. English musician Amy Winehouse was a/an …………..artist. She won A Grammy Music Award.

10 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

10. In big banks, technical problems like power cuts should not …………..long. Otherwise, all the accounts will be lost.

11 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 11-15: Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.( Cümle içinde numaraların bulunduğu boşluklara gelmesi gereken doğru cevabı işaretleyin. Cevaplar kısmında her numara için farklı şıklar mevcuttur)

In the pharmaceutical industry, vaccines have long been poor stepsisters to big, glamorous drugs.
Immunization campaigns; have worked wonders. _(11)_ scourges such as polio. (12)_ annual global sales of vaccines have fallen off during (13)_ years and the number of major companies _(14) _ them has shrunk from 20 in the 1980s to just 4. This is a sure sign that it _(15)_ an economic business to be in.


12 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 16-20: Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.(Cümle içinde boşluklarda bulunan numaraların yerine gelmesi gereken doğru cevabı aşağıdaki cevap bölümünde bulunan aynı numaralardaki şıklardan doğru cevabı işaretleyin)


In Britain, firemen have been on partial strike for months, demanding a huge pay increase
_(16)_ bitterly resisting changes to their working conditions. Tony Blair's Labor government has watched with _ (17)_ alarm as a series of elections has put militant leaders _ (18)_ the top jobs at some of the biggest unions. In April, Kevin Curran _(19)_ the more moderate John Edmonds as leader of the GMB, Britain's fourth-largest union; and in May a left-winger defeated the _(20)_ favored by the Labor Party for the leadership of the powerful T&G

13 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 21-25: Choose the option which best rewrites each sentence.

Question 21: It couldn’t have been Mary that you heard shouting last night, as she is vacationing in Vermont at the moment.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 22: Both of the lifts were out of order.


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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 23: He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 24: It is possible that we won't have to take an entrance exam this year.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 25: The crowd became increasingly angry at the long delay.

18 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth’s ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and infringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of evolution.
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth’s history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in new environments.


Question 26: What does the passage mainly discuss?

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth’s ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and infringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of evolution.
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth’s history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in new environments.


Question 27: The word “critical” is closest in meaning to


20 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth’s ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and infringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of evolution.
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth’s history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in new environments.


Question 28: The word “jolting” is closest in meaning to

21 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth’s ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and infringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of evolution.
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth’s history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in new environments.


Question 29: The author mentions the reduction of the variety of species on Earth in line 7-8 to suggest that


22 / 37

Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth’s ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and infringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of evolution.
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth’s history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in new environments.


Question 30: The author mentions all of the following as examples of the effect of humans on the world’s ecosystems EXCEPT

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth’s ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and infringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of evolution.
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth’s history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in new environments.


Question 31: The author mentions the extinction of the dinosaurs in the 2nd paragraph to emphasize that

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth’s ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and infringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of evolution.
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth’s history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in new environments.


Question 32: The word “magnitude” is closest in meaning to __________.

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth’s ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and infringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of evolution.
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth’s history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in new environments.


Question 33: According to the passage, natural evolutionary change is different from changes caused by humans in that changes caused by humans __________.


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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.

Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth’s ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and infringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of evolution.
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth’s history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in new environments.


Question 34: Which of the following can best replace “in flux” ?

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.
Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests, which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth, has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earth’s ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and infringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most common problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of species on Earth, they have irrevocably redirected the course of evolution.
Certainly, there have been periods in Earth’s history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.01 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.
However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt-time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in new environments.


Question 35: With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree?

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 36-45: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10 hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system in so far as the principal planets are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3°-less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent, it may be 40,000 kilometers long and 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century, the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200°. The latitude is generally very close to -22°. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.


Question 36: The main purpose of the passage is

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 36-45: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10 hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system in so far as the principal planets are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3°-less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent, it may be 40,000 kilometers long and 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century, the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200°. The latitude is generally very close to -22°. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.


Question 37: According to the passage, Jupiter has the shortest day among the principal planets because


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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 36-45: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10 hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system in so far as the principal planets are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3°-less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent, it may be 40,000 kilometers long and 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century, the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200°. The latitude is generally very close to -22°. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.


Question 38: The author’s tone in this passage is

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 36-45: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10 hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system in so far as the principal planets are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3°-less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent, it may be 40,000 kilometers long and 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century, the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200°. The latitude is generally very close to -22°. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.


Question 39: According to the passage, Mars outshines Jupiter

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 36-45: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10 hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system in so far as the principal planets are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3°-less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent, it may be 40,000 kilometers long and 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century, the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200°. The latitude is generally very close to -22°. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.


Question 40: This passage would be of most interest to

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 36-45: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10 hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system in so far as the principal planets are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3°-less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent, it may be 40,000 kilometers long and 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century, the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200°. The latitude is generally very close to -22°. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.


Question 41: It can be inferred from this passage that Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 36-45: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10 hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system in so far as the principal planets are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3°-less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent, it may be 40,000 kilometers long and 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century, the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200°. The latitude is generally very close to -22°. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.


Question 42: The word “intensity” in the second paragraph could best be replaced with


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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 36-45: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10 hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system in so far as the principal planets are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3°-less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent, it may be 40,000 kilometers long and 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century, the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200°. The latitude is generally very close to -22°. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.


Question 43: According to the passage, all of the following are true about Jupiter EXCEPT

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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 36-45: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10 hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system in so far as the principal planets are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3°-less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent, it may be 40,000 kilometers long and 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century, the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200°. The latitude is generally very close to -22°. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.


Question 44: Where in the passage does the author mention the theory about the Red Spot that has been disproved?


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Kategori: BAU Proficiency Test 2

Question 36-45: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet and is fifth in order of distance from the sun. It is well placed for observation for several months in every year and on average is the brightest of the planets apart from Venus, though for relatively brief periods Mars may outshine it. Jupiter’s less than 10 hour rotation period gives it the shortest day in the solar system in so far as the principal planets are concerned. There are no true seasons on Jupiter because the axial inclination to the perpendicular of the orbital plane is only just over 3°-less than that for any other planet.
The most famous mark on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. It has shown variations in both intensity and color, and at times it has been invisible, but it always returns after a few years. At its greatest extent, it may be 40,000 kilometers long and 14,000 kilometers wide, so its surface area is greater than that of Earth. Though the latitude of the Red Spot varies little, it drifts about in longitude. Over the past century, the total longitudinal drift has amounted to approximately 1200°. The latitude is generally very close to -22°. It was once thought that the Red Spot might be a solid or semisolid body floating in Jupiter’s outer gas. However, the Pioneer and Voyager results have refuted that idea and proven the Red Spot to be a phenomenon of Jovian meteorology. Its longevity may well due to its exceptional size, but there are signs that it is decreasing in size, and it may not be permanent. Several smaller red spots have been seen occasionally but have not lasted.


Question 45: As used in the first paragraph, the word “it” refers to


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BAU Placement Test 1

BAU Placement Test 1

Aşağıdaki soru örnekleri Placement Sınav Testi düzeyi ve soru tipleri ile ilgili fikir vermek amacına yöneliktir.

BAU Placement Sınav Testi 1

Aşağıda ki sınav testinde bulunan soru örnekleri Placement Test düzeyi ve soru tipleri ile ilgili fikir vermek amacına yöneliktir.

Aşağıda ki form, örnek sınav testlerinden sonra size İngilizce sınav programları ile ilgili ve İngilizce düzey ve gelişiminiz ile ilgili tavsiye ve bilgilendirme mailleri yollanabilmesi için oluşturulmuştur. Lütfen ilgili formu doldurunuz…

*Önemli hatırlatma: Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kanunu (KVKK) gereğince formu doldurduğunuz takdirde çerez politikalarını kabul etmiş olmaktasınız. Form da verdiğiniz bilgilerin doğruluğunun sorumluluğu tarafımıza ait değildir. Başka bir kişiye ait verilen bilgilerin sorumluluğu (KVKK) gereğince formu dolduran kişiye ait olup, yanlış bilgi beyanında, form bilgilerini dolduran kişi (KVKK) kanunlarınca değerlendirilecek ve sorumlu olacaktır.

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


( Paragraf içinde boşluklarda bulunan numaraların yerine gelmesi gereken kelimeyi cevaplar kısmında aynı numaranın şıkları arasından doğru olanı işaretleyin)

Next on our trip around the beauties of Greece, we take a look at Thrace and Samothrace. Thrace (Thraki) is (1) ___ in the northeastern corner of Greece. It is a special place with a very rich history and has been (2) ___ untouched by the tourist explosion. The lakes and wetlands of Thrace are (3) ___ the most important in Europe, with perhaps more than three hundred (4) ___ species of birds. More than 200,000 wild waterbirds spend their winters here. (5) ___ Thrace from Kavala, the visitor finds scenic Xanthi, the capital of the district of the (6) ___ name. It is built on the site of the ancient Xantheia and is proud of the many old houses and mansions which are prime examples of (7) ___ architecture. (8) ___ to the north-east is scenic Komotini, the capital of the district of Rodopi. Parts of the area, which (9) ___ from pre-Christian times to the Byzantine era, are of special (10) ___. Finds from all the archeological sites in Thrace are displayed in the Komotini Museum

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


( Paragraf içinde boşluklarda bulunan numaraların yerine gelmesi gereken kelimeyi cevaplar kısmında aynı numaranın şıkları arasından doğru olanı işaretleyin)

The history of the bicycle goes back more than 200 years. In 1791, Count de Sivrac _______(1)onlookers in a park in Paris as he showed off his two-wheeled invention, a machine called the “ celerifee”. It was basically an ______(2)version of a children’s toy which had been in________(3)for many years. Sivrac’s “celerifere” had a wooden frame, made in the _________(4)of a horse, which was mounted on a wheel at either end. To ride it, you sat on a small seat, just like a modern bicycle, and pushed_________(5)against the __________(6)with your legs- there were no pedals. It was impossible to steer a “celerifere” and it had no brakes, but despite these problems the invention very much_________(7)to the fashionable young men of Paris. Soon they were __________(8)races up and down the streets. Minor________ (9) were common as riders attempted a final burst of speed controlling the machine was difficult as the only way to change direction was to pull up the front of the “celerifere” and turn it round while the front wheel was spinning in the air.
Celerifere were not popular for long, however, as the combination of no springs, no steering and the rough road made riding them very uncomfortable. Even so, the wooden “celerifere” was the _______(10)of the modern bicycle.

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers, and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. Many commutes to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. The land is also needed for new houses. The green belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to prevent, or at least delay, the building work.
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.


1. We can see from the passage that in the countryside of Britain ____?___

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers, and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. Many commutes to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. The land is also needed for new houses. The green belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to prevent, or at least delay, the building work.
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.


2. The word “enclosed” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __?____

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers, and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. Many commutes to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. The land is also needed for new houses. The green belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to prevent, or at least delay, the building work.
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.


3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an activity of relaxation in the countryside of Britain?

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers, and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. Many commutes to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. The land is also needed for new houses. The green belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to prevent, or at least delay, the building work.
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.


4. What does the word “they” in paragraph 2 refer to?

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers, and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. Many commutes to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. The land is also needed for new houses. The green belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to prevent, or at least delay, the building work.
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.


5. Which of the following threatens the countryside in Britain?

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers, and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. Many commutes to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. The land is also needed for new houses. The green belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to prevent, or at least delay, the building work.
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.


6.The phrase “associated with” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____?___

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers, and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. Many commutes to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. The land is also needed for new houses. The green belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to prevent, or at least delay, the building work.
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.


7. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT ____?___

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers, and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. Many commutes to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. The land is also needed for new houses. The green belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to prevent, or at least delay, the building work.
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.


8. The phrase “reach to the horizon” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ___?____

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers, and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. Many commutes to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. The land is also needed for new houses. The green belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to prevent, or at least delay, the building work.
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.


9. According to the passage, some Americans choose to live in the country because ___?___

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains and moorland, its lakes, rivers, and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time walking or cycling there or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on farms. Many commutes to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. The land is also needed for new houses. The green belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to prevent, or at least delay, the building work.
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.


10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies’ responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies’ emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances, and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is the observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.


1. Which of the following can be inferred about the findings described in paragraph 2?

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies’ responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies’ emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances, and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is the observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.


2. According to the author, why do babies listen to songs and stories, even though they cannot understand them?

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies’ responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies’ emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances, and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is the observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.


3. The passage mentions all of the followings as the ways adults modify their speech when talking to babies EXCEPT _________?_____.

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies’ responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies’ emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances, and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is the observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.


4. The word “diverse” is closest in meaning to ______?________.


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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies’ responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies’ emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances, and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is the observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.


5. The word “They” refers to _______?_______.

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies’ responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies’ emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances, and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is the observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.


6. Why does the author mention “a bell and a rattle“?

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies’ responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies’ emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances, and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is the observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.


7. What does the passage mainly discuss?


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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies’ responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies’ emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances, and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is the observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.


8. The word “emphasize” is closest in meaning to ________?______.

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies’ responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies’ emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances, and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is the observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.


9. What point does the author make to illustrate that babies are born with the ability to acquire language?

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Kategori: BAU Placement Test 1


Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies’ responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies’ emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances, and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is the observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.


10. The word “noted” is closest in meaning to_____?_________.



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