BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği Bahçeşehir üniversitesi hazırlık okulu öğrencileri tarafından girilecek olan sınavlara ait örnek sınav olarak hazırlanmıştır.WOLA tarafından hazırlanan bu örnek aday öğrencilerin gireceği sınav hakkında bilgi sahibi olmaları için hazırlanmıştır.Tüm aday öğrencilerimize başarılar dileriz.
Questions 1-10: Choose the best answer to make meaningful sentences.
1. The pilot announced that the landing time to New York was 15:55.
a) estimated b) advanced c) proposed d) essential
2. In big companies, the rules are mostly strict because it is difficult to so many workers
and keep the business going.
a) accommodate b) reverse c) intervene d) coordinate
3. There are more students than local students in this university.
a) visual b) advanced c) vast d) overseas
4. It is highly important for passengers to follow the safety before the plane takes off.
a) guidelines b) knowledge c) prospects d) benefits
5. Children of the Internet age have friends rather than real ones and this will
certainly have negative effects on their social skills in the future.
a) overseas b) virtual c) matured) stable
6. As long as a civil policeman shows his ID card, he has every on the person he
is dealing with.
a) environment b) advantage c) authority d) insurance
7. A high of the food packages sent to Somalia consisted of fresh vegetables and meat.
a) estimate b) experience c) proportion d) context
8. To a plane, they use a little but strong car that pushes and moves it.
a) tow b) constitute c) intervene d) accompany
9. From the crowd and the ambulance sirens it was that there was a bad car accident.
a) rational b) accurate c) persuasive d) evident
10. The Marmaray Project well up until the workers came across a historical
the underwater site and stopped digging.
a) proceeded b) suggested c) satisfied d) accommodated
Questions 11-15: Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.
Questions 16-20: Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
The attempts, first by British warships and then troops, to force the Dardanelles in 1915 (11) one of the
most fascinating and controversial campaigns of World War I. The Allies hoped to pass through the Darda-
nelles, drive Turkey out of the war and provide assistance through the warm water ports of the Black Sea
(12)—- hard-pressed Russia. Winston Churchill insisted on war (13) his senior naval colleagues
It was the first major amphibious operation in modern warfare, using aircraft and photography (14) radio
communications and submarines. Its lessons, positive as well as negative, (15) by the British planners for
Normandy and even in the Falklands conflict of 1982.
11. a) intend b) surrender c) destroy d) constitute
12. a) to b) upon c) within d) about
13. a) unless b) though c) moreover d) thus
14. a) because of b) just as c) in terms of d) along with
15. a) are studied b) may be studied c) were studied d) must be studied
Water recycling is reusing wastewater to save both energy and the environment. Landscape irrigation,
cooling processes in oil refineries, and dust control are (16) the most common non-potable (not for
drinking) purposes. Recycled water can meet most water demands (17) it is adequately treated to
ensure water quality. In situations where people are overly (18) to recycled water, they are more likely
to contract diseases. However, no documented cases of human health problems (19) contact with
recycled water have been reported. As such, demand for recycled water is increasing very rapidly, and
without a doubt, it (20) many recycling projects across the world in the following decades.
16. a) upon b) among c) over d) with
17. a) so that b) as long as c) even though d) as if
18. a) exposed b) objected c) devoted d) sentenced
19. a) as well as b) rather than c) instead of d) due to
20. a) is prompting b) will be prompting c) was prompting d) had been prompting
Questions 21-25: Choose the option which best rewrites each sentence.
21. People without the ability to read and write are at a disadvantage.
a) It’s the ability to read and write that makes these people think they are in an advantageous situation.
b) Illiteracy puts people in a disadvantageous position.
c) If you are not able to read and write, you will have difficulty finding a job.
d) Only people who can read and write can reach their goals in life.
22. You shouldn’t have lied to him about your age.
a) It was wrong of you not to tell him your real age.
b) I advise you to tell him how old you really are.
c) He must have been told the truth about your age.
d) It can’t have been difficult for him to find out your real age.
23. The last time I had to change a flat tire was years ago.
a) I haven’t had to change a flat tire in years.
b) When I last had a flat tire, I had to change it myself.
c) Since I bought this car, I haven’t changed a flat tire.
d) I can’t change a flat tire as quickly as I used to.
24. Not all newsreaders know what they’re saying.
a) What most newsreaders believe is that they do a unique job.
b) I don’t want to hear any other piece of news read by these anchormen.
c) Some newsreaders have no idea what they are talking about.
d) The news read by some newsreaders is almost impossible to understand.
25. I wish you could have more respect for yourself.
a) if only you could show a little more respect.
b) I regret not having expressed my gratitude.
c) I feel sorry for your lack of self-respect.
d) I want you to remember that I will always admire you.
Questions 26-45: Choose the best answer according to the passage below.
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
Americans experimented with many new customs and social traditions during the 1920s. There were new
dances, new kinds of clothes, and some of the most imaginative art and writing ever produced in the United
States. However, in many ways, the 1920s were a conservative time in American life.
(2) One such policy concerned immigration. Many Americans in the 1920s had at least some ties through
blood or marriage to the first Americans who came from Britain, so they considered themselves to be bona
fide Americans. Americans traditionally had welcomed newcomers from such western European countries
as France or Germany. But most of the people arriving in American harbors in the 1920s were from other
parts of Europe. Some citizens became afraid of these millions of immigrants arriving at their shores. Citizens
worried they might steal their jobs. Or they feared the political beliefs of the immigrants. Also, pressure to
control immigration increased following World War I. Congress passed a law that set a limit on how many
people would be allowed to enter from each foreign country. And an even stronger immigration law in 1924
put limits on the number of immigrants from each country, depending on the number of Americans who had
families in that country. For example, the law allowed many immigrants to enter from Germany or France
because many American citizens had families in those countries. But fewer people could come from Italy
or Russia because fewer Americans had family members in those countries. The laws were very difficult to
enforce. But they did succeed in limiting the number of immigrants from specific countries.
(3) A second sign of the conservative feelings in the 1920s was the effort to ban the sale of alcoholic drinks, or
liquor, known as Prohibition. Many of the strongest supporters of Prohibition were conservative religious
Americans living in rural areas. They believed that liquor was evil. In 1919, a law was passed making it
unlawful to produce, sell or transport liquor. But Prohibition failed terribly from the start. There was only a
small force of police to enforce it. And millions of Americans still wanted to drink liquor. Not surprisingly,
thousands of Americans began to import liquor illegally to sell for high prices.
Criminals began to bring liquor across the long, unprotected border with Canada or on fast boats from the Caribbean islands.
At the same time, pirate manufacturers began to produce liquor.
And, in fact, shop owners in cities sold liquor with little interference from local police.
By the middle of the 1920s, it was clear Prohibition laws were a failure,
but the laws were not changed until 1932.
(4) The third sign of conservatism was the effort to ban modern science schoolbooks. Most of those who supported
these efforts were the same conservative rural people. Science became an enemy to these people as it
seemed to challenge the most basic ideas taught in the Bible. In 1925, the conflict burst into a major public
debate over Darwin’s theory of evolution. The attack on Darwin’s ideas was led by William Jennings Bryan,
a rural politician popular among many traditional Americans. He accused scientists of violating God’s words
in the Bible. He called on school officials to ban the teaching of evolution. Some states in the southeastern
part of the country passed laws making it a crime to teach evolutionary theory. In 1925, a science teacher in
Tennessee challenged the state’s new teaching law. The teacher, named John Scopes, taught Darwin’s
ideas of evolution. Officials arrested him and put him on trial. Some of the greatest lawyers rushed to
Tennessee to defend him. America’s most famous lawyer, Clarence Darrow, became the leader of the
Scopes defense team. Bryan and other religious conservatives also rushed to the trial. During the trial,
Clarence Darrow asked Bryan question after question about the Bible and science. He answered the
questions but he showed a great lack of knowledge about modern science. The judge found Scopes guilty,
but a higher court later ruled that Scopes was not guilty. The issue was not really whether one young
teacher was innocent or guilty of breaking a law. It was a struggle between the forces of modern ideas and
those of traditional rural conservatism.
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
26. As we understand from paragraph I, in the 1920s there were a lot of changes in society.
a) as all Americans were in favor of change
b) because the US was a very young nation
c) but there were also a lot of traditional ideas
d) and this revived economic activity
27. The phrase bona fide in paragraph II could best be replaced by.
a) actual
b) cruel
c) recent
d) loose
28. As we learn from paragraph II, new immigrants of the 1920s.
a) were mostly from western European countries like France or Germany
b) had to wait on their boats for weeks before they could enter American harbors
c) were going to provide a lot of new jobs opportunities
d) were not welcomed by many American citizens
29. The word they in paragraph II refers to …
a) harbors
b) parts
c) citizens
d) immigrants
30. According to paragraph II, as a result of the law, passed in 1924, .
a) it became easier for new immigrants to find jobs in America
b) the number of immigrants from certain countries was limited
c) Russian and Italian immigrants became even more conservative
d) American citizens who had come from France and Germany refused to fight in the world war
31. As stated in paragraph III, the ban on alcoholic drinks.
a) caused the illegal liquor trade to flourish
b) was withdrawn in the year 1919
c) resulted from the idea that liquor couldn’t be considered evil
d) made conservative Americans very angry
32. According to paragraph III, Darwin’s idea of evolution.
a) was removed from all American schoolbooks in 1925
b) was perceived as a threat by some conservative people
c) seemed no different from the ideas in the Bible
d) was favored by William Jennings Bryan
33. As we learn from paragraph IV, John Scopes was a young science teacher.
a) was very popular among traditional Americans
b) was taken to court due to his objection to his state’s teaching law
c) accused Darwin of violating God’s words
d) was able to pass a law against teaching evolution theory
34. The word ruled in paragraph IV is closest in meaning to ….
a) obeyed
b) disagreed
c) concluded
d) arranged
35. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the text?
a) In 1924, no Americans had family members in Italy or Russia.
b) The effort to ban alcoholic drinks in America was a failure.
c) John Scopes became the governor of Tennessee after he was released.
d) Clarence Darrow was the son of a religious farmer.
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
A pilot cannot fly a plane by sight alone. In many conditions, such as flying at night and landing in dense fog,
a pilot must use radar, an alternative way of navigating. Since human eyes are not very good at determining
the speeds of approaching objects, radar can show a pilot how fast nearby planes are moving. The basic
principle of radar is exemplified by what happens when one shouts in a cave. The echo of the sounds
against the walls helps a person determine the size of the cave. With radar, however, the waves are radio
waves instead of sound waves. Radio waves travel at the speed of light, about 300,000 kilometers in one
second. A radar sends out a short burst of radio waves. Then it receives the echoes produced when the
waves bounce off the objects. By determining the time it takes for the echoes to return to the radar set, a
trained technician can determine the distance between the radar set and the objects. The word ‘radar’ , in
fact, gets its name from the term ‘radio detection and ranging’. ‘Ranging’ is the term for the detection of the
distance between an object and the radar set. Besides being of critical importance to pilots, radar is
essential for air traffic control, tracking ships at sea, and for tracking weather systems and storms.
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
36. What is the main topic of the passage?
a) the nature of radar
b) types of ranging
c) alternatives to radar
d) history of radar
37. Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?
a) argumentative
b) imaginative
c) explanatory
d) humourous
38. The phrase ‘a a burst’ is the closest meaning to ….
a) an attachment
b) a discharge
c) a stream
d) a ray
39. The way radar works are compared to …
a) a burst of the river banks
b) the depth of a cave
c) the echo of sound against the walls
d) the eyesight in dense fog
40. What might be inferred about radar?
a) It takes the place of a radio
b) It gave birth to the invention of the airplane
c) It developed from a study of sound waves
d) It has improved navigational safety
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
The White House, the official home of the United States president, was not built in time for George Washing-
tonto live in it. It was begun in 1792 and was ready for its first inhabitants. President and Mrs. John Adams,
who moved in on November 1, 1800. When the Adamses moved in, the White House was not yet complete,
and the Adamses suffered many inconveniences; for example, the main staircase was incomplete, which
hindered movement from floor to floor, and the future laundry yard was merely a pool of mud, so wet
laundry was hung in the unfinished East Room to dry. Thomas Jefferson, the third president, improved the
comfort of the White House in many respects and added new architectural features such as the terraces on
the east and west ends.
When the British forces burned the White House on August 24, 1814, President Madison was forced to
leave. All the remained after the fire was the exterior walls, the interior was completely destroyed. It was not
until December of 1817 that the following president, James Monroe, was able to move into a rebuilt
residence. Since then, the White House has continued to be modified but has been continuously occupied
by each succeeding U.S president.
41. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for this text?
a) George Washington’s life in the White House.
b) The Early History of the White House.
c) The burning of the White House.
d) Presidential Policies of Early U.S.Presidents.
42. The author most likely discusses the “staircase” in line 4 in order to.
a) show the elegance of the new White House
b) explain the architectural features added by Jefferson.
c) provide an example of an inconvenience in the White House.
d) demonstrate what had to be rebuilt after the fire.
43. The word “ inhabitant” in line 2 is the closest meaning to ….
a) modifications
b) moves
c) celebrations
d) residents
44. It can be inferred from the passage that John Adams was.
a) the first president of the United States.
b) the second president of the United States.
c) the third president of the United States.
d) the fourth president of the United States.
45. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses:
a) the details of the destruction of the White House by the British.
b) James Monroe’s policies as presidents.
c) modifications by presidents who followed.
d) other presidents who were unable to occupy the White House.
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
Listen to two people talking about Self-Access Centre. You have TWO minutes to read the
questions. You will hear the audio TWICE.
46. Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because
a) they enjoy the variety of equipment.
b) they like being able to work on their own.
c) it is an important part of their studies.
47. The problem with computers is
a) they don’t work properly
b) they are old and need to be changed
c) their number is inadequate
48. Some teachers would prefer to
a) close the Self-Access Centre.
b) move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.
c) restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.
49. The students’ main concern about using the library would be
a) the size of the library.
b) difficulty in getting help.
c) the lack of materials.
50. The Director of Studies is concerned about
a) the difficulty in supervising the center.
b) the lack of space in the center.
c) the cost of upgrading the center.
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
Take notes using the headings below while listening to the lecture called “Civil Engineers”. You will hear
the lecture two times.
What do civil engineers do?
How do they get ready for the profession?
Numbers and statistics
Answer the questions using your notes from the lecture called “Civil Engineers”.
51. In the lecture, all of the following are mentioned as things designed by civil engineers EXCEPT.
a) tunnels
b) dams
c) bridges
d) sewage systems
52. According to the lecture, one of the factors considered by civil engineers when designing
things is the .
a) beauty
b) longevity
c) residents
d) cost
53. As mentioned in the lecture, a civil engineer can work in.
a) banking
b) accounting
c) marketing
d) teaching
54. As stated by the lecturer, civil engineers usually work in areas where.
a) there is lots of manufacturing and businesses
b) young people are in need of unqualified jobs
c) there is a lot of scientific research
d) where bosses are in need of cheap labor
55. According to the lecturer, civil engineers are expected to have good communication skills.
a) but most of them lack these skills
b) although almost all of them work far away from cities
c) since they work with people from a wide range of fields
d) so ladies make better civil engineers
56. As we learn from the lecture, a civil engineer must get a license from the government —,
a) if he or she doesn’t have a college degree in engineering
b) or else he or she has to spend another four years in college
c) to offer services directly to the public
d) or he or she may have to work under an experienced engineer
57. As stated by the lecturer, civil engineers in the USA have average wages of
a) yearly I eighty thousand
b) monthly / eighty thousand
c) yearly I eighteen thousand
d) monthly / eighteen thousand
58. According to the lecturer, civil engineers held about jobs in.
a) 287,000/2010
b) 278, 00012008
c) 278,000/2010
d) 287,000 / 2008
59. We learn from the passage that there will be more and more civil engineering jobs through 2018.
a) since the roads in the south are unsafe and worn out
b) as the population grows
c) because people are becoming richer
d) although the economic crisis has ended
60. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the lecture?
a) There are many specializations within civil engineering.
b) No engineers work more than 40 hours per week.
c) Civil engineers are not good at dealing with details.
d) Civil engineers often retire at an early age.
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
Discuss ONE of the following topics. (250 – 300 words)
Discuss the negative effects of Global warming.
Discuss whether university education should be free for everyone.
Discuss the advantages of marriage over bachelorhood.
In this section, the student is expected to speak about two different topics for about 4-6
minutes. The student’s performance is assessed according to the following criteria:
Relevance and expansion
Pronunciation and intonation
Now, here are your topics. Talk about the following two topics:
• What are some negative and positive effects of TV on people?
• How do you think the future will be like in 20 years’ time?
BAU Proficieny Sınav Örneği
1. A 11.D 26.C 46.C
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. D 18.A 34.C NOTE TAKING
10. A 19.D 35.B
22.A 38.B 53.D
23.A 39.C 54.A
24.C 40.D 55.C
25.C 41.B