Ana sayfa » Kuepe Use Of English


Kuepe Use Of English

Kuepe Use Of English

PART 1: Questions 21 – 30: Choose the best answer to complete the text. (1 pt. each)

Emissions trading

Emissions trading is an administrative approach that aims at reducing the cost of pollution control by providing economic. (21) for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants. In such a plan, a central authority…………..(22) limits on each pollutant and they. (23) that clean air is a common-pool resource. Groups that intend to exceed the limits may buy emissions credits from those. (24) to stay below their designated limits. This transfer is normal. (25) to as a trade. In some emissions trading systems, a portion of the traded credits is required to be retired. By retiring some of the credits, the system. (26) a net reduction in emissions, as well as cost reduction, from each trade. Most authorities agree that emissions trading is an effective strategy. (27) properly designed and administered. The advocates of free-market environmentalism sometimes use emissions trading or marketable rights as examples to support the theory that free markets can. (28) environmental problems. The total amount of available marketable or tradable rights is generally set by a political process, not by the market; but by the systems. (29) the market to determine how to deal with the resulting allocation problem. If a given country or facility does not need all of its allowances, it may offer it for sale. (30) the organization that has insufficient allowances for its emission production.

21) a. incentives
22) a. looks up to
23) a.undermine
24) a. are able
25) a. claimed
26) a. releases
27) a. whether
28) a. result in
29) a. allow
30) a. other

21)b. quests
22)b. takes place
23)b. design
24)b. able
26)b. prospers
27)b. unless
28)b. handle
29)b. have
30)b. each

21)c. restrains
22)c. refrains
24)c. been able
25)c. referred
26)c. asserts
27)c. if
28)c. rise
29)c. provide
30)c.the other

21)d. impairment
22)d. sets
23)d. relieve
24)d. are
25)d. taken
26)d. achieves
27)d. though
28)d. break out
28)d. endeavor
30)d. another

Kuepe Use Of English;

PART 2: Questions 31 – 40: Choose the best answer to complete the text. (1 pt. each)

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25,1881 in Málaga, Spain, as the first child of José Ruiz y Blanco and Maria Picasso y López. Picasso’s father, José Ruiz y Blanco, (31) the potential of Picasso’s art talent was himself a painter. Picasso’s first words were “piz, piz”, a shortening of the Spanish word for “lapiz” in order to draw the pigeons. (32) sleeping outside his window. Although Picasso attended art schools throughout his childhood, he often. (33) his father taught, he never finished his college-level course of study at the Academia de San Fernando in Madrid. The Museum Picasso in Barcelona features many of Picasso’s early works,(34) while he was living in Spain, as well as the extensive collection of Jamie Sabartés, Picasso’s close friend from his Barcelona days. There are many precise and detailed figure studies…………(35) in his youth under his father’s tutelage, as well as rarely seen works from his old age that clearly…………(36) Picasso’s firm grounding in classical techniques. The Guinness Book of Records names Picasso the most. (37) painter ever- in his lifetime he produced around 13,500 paintings, 100,000 prints and engravings, 34,000 book illustrations, and 300 sculptures. In addition, Picasso had a considerable collection of the work of ………………..(38) famous artists, some of whom were his (39), such as Henri Matisse. In the aftermath of Picasso’s death, Paul McCartney wrote a song in tribute to him, which. (40) on his album Band on the Run later that year.

31) a. who recognizing
32) a. he
33) a. those
34) a. created
35) a. that have been done
36) a. demonstrate
37) a. controversial
38) a. the others
39) a. ancestors
40) a. released

31)b. recognized
32)b. which
33)b. when
34)b. that created
35)b. that have done
36)b. underestimate
37)b. prolific
38)b. the other
39)b. contemporaries
40)b. having been released

31)c. being recognized
32)c. of which
33)c. those where
34)c. creating
35)c. done
36)c. perceive
37)c. indistinguishable
38)c. others
39)c. undertakers
40)c. was released

31)d. recognizing
32)d. ————-
33)d. those which
34)d. having created
35)d. to be done
36)d. outnumber
37)d. perceptible
38)d. another
39)d. detractors
40)d. had been released

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Answer Key

21A 31D
22D 32D
23C 33C
24B 34A
25C 35C
26D 36A
27C 37B
28B 38C
29A 39B
30D 40C


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