Özyeğin Trace Sınavı Kelimeler 4.Bölüm
Özyeğin Trace Sınavı Kelimeler Bölümünde sınavda karşınıza çıkması muhtemel veya çıkabilme olasılığı yüksek kelimeler hakkında fikir sahibi olmanız için WOLA tarafından hazırlanan örnekleri bulacaksınız.Bu kelimelere aşina olmanız çok önemlidir.Kelime bilgisi sınavlarınızda size büyük avantaj sağlayacaktır.Amacımız tüm öğrencilerimizin sınavlarında başarılı olmasıdır.
- concept
an abstract or general idea inferred from specific instances. There is little technical artistry involved, the focus instead on simple concepts and difficult execution.
- conclude bring to a close
Taken together, the reports have led analysts to conclude that after years of being an economic drag, housing is now contributing to economic growth.
- concurrent
occurring or operating at the same time
Problem-solving was concurrent with physical effort, so the brain must have adapted by developing appropriate regions to enhance neurocognition.
- conduct
the way a person behaves toward other people
For years, lawmakers, urged by the N.R.A., have placed so-called riders on spending bills that restrict these and other agencies
from conducting such research.
- confer
have a meeting in order to talk something over
He especially prefers having a radiologist on-site because he believes that conferring in person helps prevent mistaken readings and gets quicker results.
- confine place limits on
Is erotic sculpture confined to temples or particular religious cults?
- confirm
establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
The identities have yet to be officially confirmed, he said.
- conform
be similar, be in line with
In other words, they conformed to feminine stereotypes.
- consent
give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to
Companies also must get parental consent before using tracking tools such as cookies that peek into children’s I.P. addresses and device
identification numbers.
- considerable
large in number or amount or extent or degree
In other words, the trial court wanted to treat the mass media like a public utility, which carried considerable consequences.
- consist
have its essential character
They consist of arms, elbows, and very long finger bones connected by two layers of thin skin.
- constant
uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
False reviews are a constant problem on consumer Web sites.
- constitute form or compose
The F.D.A. said it is also working on proposed safety regulations targeting imported food – which constitutes 15% of what’s eaten in the U.S.
- constrain hold back
Constrained school budgets are likely to prevent any mass hiring or arming of security officers.
Özyeğin Trace Sınavı Kelimeler Part-4
- construct
make by combining materials and parts
He wanted and received some honest feedback to help construct a game plan that would put them in better positions to succeed.
- consult
get or ask advice from
She said she had decided to step down after consulting family members and friends.
- consume
use up, as resources or materials
The technology, in theory, allows for thinner screens that consume less power.
- contact
be in or establish communication with
Beck made eye contact with me and nodded.
- contemporary
belonging to the present time
There is, in other words, much to appreciate about contemporary movies this year.
- context
the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation
Geological Survey has posted some useful context and interpretation.
- contract
a binding agreement that is enforceable by law
Other league businesses will also resume, including trades and contract signings.
- contradict
prove negative; show to be false
The C.I.A.’s acting director, Michael Morell, recently contradicted that, saying harsh techniques did produce some tips that led to Bin Laden.
- contrary exact opposition
On the contrary, he wrote, such clauses are used in most debt restructuring exercises, and investors “would expect Greece to use it.”
- contribute
give to some cause
In 2009, researchers at Mount Sinai Medical Center reported finding evidence suggesting that the chemicals may also contribute to obesity in girls.
- controversy
a contentious speech act
But the performance has been clouded by controversy.
- convene
meet formally
One week later, the sides convened again with federal mediators in New Jersey but still couldn’t make progress.
- converse
carry on a discussion
But people in traditional societies constantly converse, learning from one another and sharing.
- convert
change the nature, purpose, or function of something
Let us embrace bookshelves that convert to dining room tables.
Özyeğin Trace Sınavı Kelimeler Part-4
- convince
make realize the truth or validity of something
They are still not convinced of Mr. Bozize’s goodwill.
Özyeğin Trace Sınavı Kelimeler Part-4